The Drama Club Facilitation Guide: Training Your Troupe!*

* Included exclusively with the Scripted-IMPROV® Drama Program.

The Scripted-IMPROV® Drama Club Facilitation Guide looks at activity programming in a new and exciting way. Adapting theater training exercises for people living with cognitive challenges, you'll intrigue, challenge, and engage your group.

The Facilitation Guide is a 3-month plan book of drama-related activities to lead at 25+ pre-planned Club meetings. Each meeting has an activity sheet and a handout for your group.

Choose an emblem and a Club name, set out a mission statement — get to know each other and the fun begins.

Theater games and exercises become a weekly treat for you and your new "theater troupe".

  • Enjoy theater craft projects.
  • Try the imaginative theater exercises.
  • Learn and teach the art of improvisation.

No prior acting experience is needed to succeed!
Staff, nursing assistants, and researchers have all been successful at facilitating Scripted-IMPROV® programs, rest assured, you can do it!
